Diversity of a Different Kind

I have realized why my move to Taiwan has kept me from writing my blog. When I was in Vietnam I was more challenged and needed to share and talk about it, trying to always see the humor in it all. Now in Taiwan, as much as I love the beauty of its order, safety and ease, it is not challenging me anymore and therefore I do not need to share or talk about it. Living here is more like being a long-term tourist. Strange, but true.
Though I learned a lot about myself living in Vietnam, I am learning different and still meaningful things about myself anywhere I live abroad including Taiwan. My inspiration to write today is the unexpected diversity I see in an otherwise homogenous culture. I am usually the one that feels like the diverse, the unusual the bizarre, but today I saw my first anorexic Taiwanese. I have also seen a few albino, dwarves, mentally retarded and severely handicapped Taiwanese. I have seen several cosplay and divergents from the norm, but they do not shock or fascinate me because they can always go back to normalcy to fit back into a culture of normality.
I pride myself on being a sensitive artist who is more aware than the average. I notice diversity within an otherwise conventional environment. Living in Asia amongst millions of people with all the same color hair, texture and eye composition, it can be challenging to see the diversity. I enjoy seeing those that step out of the norm and reject normality and conventionality. Whether it is the pressure of the culture, family or themselves, most people here look similar. When I see people that have no choice in this situation, I find it inspiring and try not to feel pity. I remind myself constantly that I am an observer and do not have the ability to be a full participant due to language and cultural restrictions.
When I saw that anorexic woman today, something inside was awakened to all the others I have seen randomly, rarely and with curiosity. I wonder to myself how these unique and challenged individuals fit into this culture. How are they accepted, treated, loved. It is hard enough to stand out and have physical or mental challenges in any culture, but I cannot imagine how difficult it must be in a place where this is your culture, but you may or may not have a place in it.
I often think about how I fit into this world. What is my purpose in life. What affect do I have on people or on anything. If we do, we usually never will know. I am glad that I have awareness and sensitivity to others, especially those that do not fit into the norm of society and when they have no choice. I often feel that I am different or even a freak, but must always remind myself that I am very lucky. Like those that dress in costume or wear unusual fashion, I can always make my transition easily to normality if I choose. Many people cannot and I admire and respect those that get through life every day. To those that choose or have no choice in being different than the norm……I respect and admire you.